How did the women of CT work for – or against – the right to vote? In this behind-the-scenes program, we’ll look at photos, letters and pamphlets from our collection to understand one of the most hard-fought political battles of American history. You’ll learn about suffragists like Katharine Houghton Hepburn, Mary Townsend Seymour, and Isabella Beecher Hooker, as well as some CT women who fought tooth-and-nail against women getting the vote (what was up with them?).
$10 for CMCH members, $15 for non-members. Ticket includes admission to the museum’s galleries. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Click here to purchase tickets.
This tour will take guests into storage and collections areas of our museum not normally open to the public.
Questions? Contact Adult Programs Manager Natalie Belanger via email at [email protected], or call (860) 236-5621 x289.