Speak Up co-founder and 20-time Moth StorySLAM and 3-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks will be teaching a day-long workshop on the art of storytelling. This is a workshop designed for people with little or no any previous storytelling experience and seeks to meet the goals of a wide range of participants. While many workshop graduates have gone on to tell stories on stage for Speak Up, The Moth, and other storytelling organizations, most students take this beginner-level workshop with no desire to ever take the stage. People want to learn about storytelling for personal and professional development, to meet new people, to improve communication skills, to develop their writing ability, to challenge themselves, to finally get the attention of grandchildren and colleagues, and to try something new.
Included in this workshop will be:
Methods for generating ideas for stories from your life experiences (you have more stories than you realize!)
Games designed to generate new story ideas, develop the ability to speak extemporaneously, and apply the skills taught in the class
Structuring an effective story
The force of gravity and stakes in a story
Development of humor
Development of suspense
Performance techniques
The 17 Most Important Rules of Storytelling
Due to the amount of information presented, there is limited opportunity for participants to present stories of their own.
Registration is $85 for CMCH members and $95 for non-members (lunch is not included, but there will be a lunch break).
Questions? Contact Jenny Steadman at (860) 236-5621 x289 or by email at [email protected].