Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England – An evening with author and professor of history, Jean M. O’Brien, Ph.D.

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT

Drawing on more than six hundred local histories from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, Dr. O’Brien explores how these narratives inculcated the myth of Indian extinction, a myth that has stubbornly remained in the American consciousness.

Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England – An evening with author and professor of history, Jean M. O’Brien, Ph.D.

Connecticut Museum of Culture and History 1 Elizabeth St, Hartford, CT

Drawing on more than six hundred local histories from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, Dr. O’Brien explores how these narratives inculcated the myth of Indian extinction, a myth that has stubbornly remained in the American consciousness.